General Course Docs

Samples of a course syllabus, course calendar, homework assignments, master materials list, Course Reader, session sign-in sheet, and optional session feedback form. These are all fully editable to customize with accurate and specific information for your course. Instructional materials associated with individual sessions can be found in Sessions.

This comprehensive introduction to the Early Learning in Math and Science (ELMS) course gives background on the development of the course and explains the key elements and design principles that are at its core. This document provides an overview of the different instructional resources (provided on this website) to teach the course such as Instructor Guides, PowerPoints, Exemplar Activity Guides, Big Ideas of Early Mathematics textbook and the Course Reader. The Course Introduction for Instructors also includes descriptions of student assessments and tips for pre-course preparation.

General Course Doc_Course Introduction for Instructors (PDF, 604KB)

A complete and detailed course syllabus is provided that reflects the ELMS course content. The syllabus can be adapted to reflect your personal information, course policies and required departmental information.

General Course Doc_Sample Syllabus (DOCX, 37KB)

The sample Course Calendar (fully customizable) list topics covered in each class meeting and informs students of the items they are expected to bring to class to contribute to the hands-on science and math activities (example: rocks, leaves, cardboard tubes etc.). Because student-supplied materials are essential for the hands-on activities in each class, we suggest that points are given for bringing assigned items to class.

General Course Doc_Calendar and Items to Bring to Class (DOCX, 148KB)

A course reader has been compiled to provide current journal and trade articles that present relevant research and best practices related to early childhood science education. These readings often serve as a springboard for class discussion. Many of the articles are written for classroom teachers with practical classroom applications. If desired, each instructor can customize the Reader.

Course Reader - All Documents (PDF, 38MB)
General Course Doc_Course Reader Sessions 1-16 (ZIP, 21MB)

Reading is assigned from the Big Ideas of Early Mathematics book and/or from other various articles and handouts in the Course Reader. Homework generally asks students to write brief answers to questions on the readings to deepen their reflection and learning. Brief class discussion and reflection on homework assignments are built into class sessions, allowing students to share perspectives and ideas from their individual work. Reading assignments usually follow the in-class experience. In this way, students have hands-on, concrete experiences with subject matter before reading about the topic so the class experience provides a context for the reading. The syllabus has a suggested points system for grading homework.

General Course Doc_Homework Assignments (DOCX, 178KB)

The Master Materials List contains all consumable and non-consumable items the instructor needs to supply for each session. Most materials are easily collected or purchased at a grocery or office store, but a few are a bit more specialized, so some advanced preparation/purchasing is essential.

General Course Doc_Master Materials List (PDF, 197KB)

The customizable sign-in sheet is both a tool for taking attendance as well as for keeping track of whether students bring in the assigned items for the hands-on portion of the session.

General Course Doc_Session Sign-in Sheet (DOCX, 82KB)

Offering students a simple feedback sheet at the end of each class to record what they liked most, what ideas they will take away, and what new or remaining questions they have can be a useful tool to monitor student learning. These can be anonymous. You may choose to review pertinent comments at the start of each class.

General Course Doc_Optional Session Feedback Form (DOCX, 321KB)


Student instructors experiment with the coloring materials.

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